Every powerful Bollywood superstar forms a lobby with his friends.
They only work with each other and never with anyone who doesn’t belong to their own group.
It is not just talent that helps you get into these groups. Thousands of talented youngsters come to Mumbai every year.
These gangs have a typical modus operandi. They force you to commit an act which may be considered as crime. The “crime” can be anything ranging from substance abuse, prostitution or money laundering.
You do it as part of a group but then your “masters” take over your life once you do it.
They keep a record and keep reminding of “you what you did”.
The blackmail prevents you from leaving the gang.
Once you get inside these gangs, they don’t let you out.
- The C Gang
These groups are led by prominent directors. You need to be a chain smoker of weed and occasionally do substance abuse (like Cocaine). Your main job (other than your day job) will be to ensure a constant supply of weed and narcotics to your ‘masters’. One of the most famous faces of this group is a commercially flop anti-national director who is always rolling and smoking up. These gangs also force you to take banned narcotic substances like white powder or blue pill during parties or informal get-togethers. Once you get inside this gang, it will destroy your health forever. There’s no coming back. You will most probably end up being severely depressed and a substance abuser for life.
- The D Gang
This gang is one of the oldest and it is a remnant of nineties Bollywood when it was dominated by the Dawood Ibrahim gang. Now-a-days, this gang is popularly known as DK Gang (Dubai-Karachi Gang) because of their loyalty to Pakistani entertainers. During the 1990s, these people used to get their funds from the underworld. Now-a-days, This gang specialises in pimping Pakistani actors, singers etc in Bollywood. Not only in Bollywood, they work as agents of Pakistani artistes for world tours, award shows etc. They are the ones who maintain contacts with hard-core criminals and pile on pressures on superstars to sign particular films funded by the underworld. Some of the senior-most Bollywood producers are part of this gang.
- The O Gang:
This group usually organises an orgy party every fortnight and you will have to actively take part in it. Usually you have to be sexually fluid and a pan-sexual (who can engage in sexual activity with persons of all sexual orientations) to take part in these parties. The more actively you take part in the actions inside the parties, the more favour you will curry with your masters.

- The W Gang:
The W gang or the white collar gangs use black money from businessmen and use them in films and turn them into white money. To qualify for this group, you need to be a trusted personality who will never divulge information. You also need to come up with new ways to launder money for businessmen connected with Bollywood.
- The E Gang:
This Exploiters gang or E gang is the smallest but the most dangerous. This group works for the four groups above and usually involves lesser known filmmakers and directors. After spotting a talent, they employ them just for exploitation. You are never paid any money, you are overworked and you are constantly mocked at for various reasons. Only those people, who are very desperate to survive in Bollywood, will be able to survive through this gang.
- The N Gang:
The N gang or the Nepotism gang is perhaps the most famous of all the gangs and may consist of members of all the above gangs. They ensure that children of filmy families are well-looked after in the industry.
- The P Gang:
The P gang or the Prostitution gang specialises in supplying men and women to orgy parties or to influential clients. If you are a well-known actress or an actor, your price goes up several notches in the black market of prostitution. You never get a share of the money they pay to sleep with you because the group tells you that it is all part of the “struggle”. This is the oldest gang in Bollywood that has been operating for the last 60 years or so. Most of these actors turn into full-time sex workers after they fail in their careers.
- The G Gang:
The Gay gang or the G gang is very influential in Bollywood. You have to be gay to be part of the gang. This is a sub-set of the prostitution gang. The problem is: Many straight people are coerced to be a part of this group. This forces many people in severe depression. Many top producers, film critics, bosses of film and trade magazines are members of this exclusive group.
- The K Gang:
The Kitty Party gang or the K gang primarily consists of mothers and wives of famous actors and producers. They organise these kitty parties at their place and decide the future of many star-kids. Many upcoming actors are found serving food in such parties. This gang controls most of the most of Bollywood A-listers and is a cradle of nepotism.
- The N Gang:
The Urban Naxal gang or the N gang is the most secret and most dangerous of them all. They are usually communists or anti-Hindutva to the heart. To qualify for this group, you need to have strong anti-national feelings against your own country. You have to actively participate in all discussions where you need to say derogatory things about Bharat. Remember, you have to do this all the time and on demand. Your masters need to be sure that you are against the very concept of Bharat before you are recruited.
Most of them are actively involved in crime against the nation and subtly promote propaganda that Naxalism in the country. They also contribute money secretly to banned Naxal outfits. The gang has many prominent actors and directors as part of their group. Some of the members of this gang are prominent social media influencers.
Bollywood is one of the most unprofessional and sinister places to work for an outsider, specially those who come from small towns of India.
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