Kotak Mahindra Bank on Thursday announced Mr. Jaideep Hansraj as an Additional Director and a Whole-time Director and a Key Managerial Personnel of the Bank, Mr. Paritosh Kashyap and Mr. Manish Kothari as Senior Management Personnel of the Bank.
Jaideep Hansraj, Group President- One Kotak has been appointed as an Additional Director and a Whole-time Director and a Key Managerial Personnel of Kotak Mahindra Bank, for a period of three years.
Paritosh Kashyap, President and Head – Wholesale Banking Group and Manish Kothari, President and Head – Commercial Bank have been appointed as Senior Management Personnel.
Jaideep Hansraj began as Head of the East region for Kotak Securities Limited and was soon promoted to Chief Executive of Kotak Mahindra International Ltd. in Dubai. In April 2024, he was appointed Group President – One Kotak, focusing on integrating Kotak Group products. He has over 30 years of experience and is a member of the Group Management Council and several subsidiary boards. He also serves on the Secondary Market Advisory Committee and NSE Clearing Limited Advisory Committee.
Paritosh Kashyap previously served as Managing Director & CEO of Kotak Mahindra Investments Limited. He is a Chartered Accountant and Cost & Works Accountant and his expertise lies in capital structuring, financing, and securitization. In July 2022, Paritosh Kashyap took charge of the Wholesale Banking business at Kotak Mahindra Bank. He also holds Non-Executive Director roles at Kotak Mahindra Investments Limited and Kotak Infrastructure Debt Fund Limited.
Manish Kothari previously led the Corporate Banking division, driving rapid expansion with significant increases in advances, revenues, and geographical and sectoral growth. Manish Kothari took charge of the Commercial Bank in August 2022. He currently leads a team of over 10,000 across India, covering diverse segments including Agri Business, Rural loans, Logistics and Infrastructure, Microfinance, and Gold Loans. He is also a Non-Executive Director on the Boards of BSS Microfinance Limited and Sonata Finance Private Limited.