How to Interpret the Meaning of Dreams About Being Chased |

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Dreams have their own meaning and interpretation according to the situation and circumstances. We do not have control over dreams but yes, they somehow connected with us. Each dream has its own meanings and being chased is one of them. Today, we are going to talk about those potential interpretations of dreams about being chased:
Challenging circumstances: If you’re fleeing from someone or something in your dream, it may be a sign that you’re trying to escape a challenging circumstance or issue in your daily life.It’s possible that you feel this problem to be too big or stressful to deal with head-on.
Fear of conflict: Fear of confrontation or conflict may be the cause of being pursued. The pursuer in your dream may stand in for a person, duty, or feeling that is bothering you but that you are afraid to face.
Unresolved feelings: Traumas or unresolved emotions might occasionally be indicated by these dreams. Even if you could make an effort to put a tough past behind you, unresolved concerns could “chase” you subconsciously.
Escape desire: If you’re attempting to flee from something in your dream, it may be an indication that you’d like to get away from a confining relationship, career, or commitment in real life. You may not have admitted this desire to yourself in your waking life, so your subconscious may bring it to your attention in your dreams.
Stress: The chase may stand in for pressures or stressors in your life, such outstanding debt, impending deadlines, high standards, or difficult personal issues that are so overwhelming you’d prefer not to think about them.
Phobias: A fear or feeling of threat, such as a phobia, may be symbolically represented in your dream.
Inner demons: If you’re escaping from a part of yourself that you think is bad or dangerous, like a poor habit, a negative idea, or destructive action, this could be the meaning of your dream. The dream can be drawing attention to an aspect of you that you’re attempting to change or run away from.